🔰Magic Affinity

Is the base magic identity of a wizard/witch and also your starting course in the academy.

affinity map


One of the three starting affinities, it refers to a category of spells and magic focused on protection, warding, and defense against various forms of harm, negativity, and hostile magical influences. Abjuration spells are often designed to create barriers, shields, swords or wards that prevent or repel harmful entities, spells, curses, and other magical effects. Mastery of this affinity will earn the wizard the "Magic Knight" title.


One of the three starting affinities, refers to a branch of magical practices that involves the transformation or alteration of one substance, object, or form into another. Transmutation spells and magic are focused on changing the inherent nature of things, often by manipulating their fundamental properties. Manipulate earth to be a weapon, manipulate water to become another, as long as it is equal to the transformation, transmuting inanimate objects to something with life will come with severe consequence. Mastery of this affinity will earn the wizard the "Alchemist" title.


One of the three starting affinities, is about manipulating and channeling energies to produce a desired effect. This can include spells that create explosions, elemental attacks, magical projectiles, and other forms of direct magical force. Mastery of this affinity will earn the wizard the "Invoker" title.


Adjacent to Abjuration and Evocation, refers to a type of magical practice that involves imbuing objects, creatures, or locations with magical properties or influences. Enchantment spells are cast to add magical qualities or effects to something, making it more powerful, fascinating, or transformative. More common as buffs and debuffs.


Adjacent to Transmutation and Evocation, refers to a magical art of creating deceptive or misleading perceptions in the minds of observers. Illusions can be visual, auditory, or even sensory experiences that manipulate reality to produce unreal effects, often used to deceive or distract enemies, entertain, or create a mystical ambiance. Mastery of Transmutation and learning this affinity along with Conjuration will enable the ability to create Homunculus, while Master of Evocation will enable the wizard to reincarnate allies and even advanced elemental spells.


Adjacent to Transmutation and Evocation, refers to a branch of magical practice that involves summoning, calling forth, or creating objects, creatures, or phenomena through the use of spells or rituals. Conjuration spells are often associated with bringing something into existence, whether it's a physical entity, an energy, or an effect. Mastery of Transmutation and learning this affinity along with Necromancy will enable the ability to create Homunculus, while Master of Abjuration will enable the wizard to summon lethal weapons and even permanent wards and protection.


Refers commonly to spells that can be learned regardless of any affinity.

Dark Arts - Unforgivable

Is the only magic affinity that is not taught in the academy, extremely dark and forbidden spells in the wizarding world. These curses are considered among the darkest and most malevolent magic, and their use is strictly prohibited and punished severely within the magical community. These spells are often associated with dark wizards and witches who seek to dominate, harm, or control others using the most sinister forms of magic. Learning the spells in this affinity is extremely hard and will have to be deciphered by venturing out in the magical world.

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